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614 Anglo Baby Names

If you are in search of a perfect Anglo Baby Name for your new born, you are in the best site ever for Anglo Baby Names. NamesFolder has compiled a list of modern Anglo Baby Names only for you. Our Team is working passionately to fulfill your needs. Choose the best name for your little one from the following list of most popular names. Happy Browsing.

Please click on alphabet to view the names alphabetically
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Please click on alphabet to view the names alphabetically
Name Meaning Numerology
Aart Like an eagle 4
Abeodan Blind. 6
Ablendan Storm. 8
Abrecan Unity. 8
Acca From Acca. 8
Ace Unity 9
Acennan Unity. 7
Acey Unity 7
Acton Town by the oak tree 8
Acwel Kills. 8
Acwellen Kills 3
Adamnan Name of several kings. 3
Aedre Stream. 6
Aefentid Evening. 1
Aefre Forever. 8
Aelle A king of Mercia. 8
Aerlene Elfin. 6
Aethelbald Name of a king. 7
Aethelbert Name of a king. 6
Aethelflaed Sister of King Edward. 7
Aethelhere Name of a king. 6
Aethelred Name of a king. 6
Aethelstan Name of a king. 6
Aethelthryth Wife of King Ecgfrith. 6
Aethelwulf Gives. 5
Agiefan Name of a bishop. 7
Agilberht Fighter. 1
Aglaeca Gives. 3
Agyfen Cuts down. 4
Aheawan Wages war. 8
Ahebban Rescues. 6
Ahreddan Name of a saint. 1
Aidan Little fiery one 2
Aiken Name of an abbot. 4
Aisley Dwells at the ash t... 8
Aisly Dwells at the ash t... 3
Alban Town on the white hill 3
Albinus Defender. 6
Alden Name of a king. 9
Aldhelm Defender. 1
Aldin Old advisor. 4
Aldred Defender. 8
Aldwyn Name of a king. 7
Alfred Noble spearman. 1
Algar Noble spearman. 3
Alger Defender of the tem... 7
Almund All ruler. 2
Alodia Rich. 6
Alodie Rich. 1
Alton From the old town 8
Alwalda Defender. 9
Alwin God of agriculture. 5
Amaethon Patient. 5
Anbidian Only child. 9
Ancenned Confesses. 6
Andettan Enemy. 7
Andsaca Answers. 7
Andsware Answer. 4
Andswaru Answer. 2
Andweard Present. 7
Andwearde Present. 3
Anson Ruler. 9
Anwealda Sacred. 7
Archard Sacred. 8
Archerd Bold. 3
Archibald Spares. 4
Arian Honorable. 7
Arlice Honorable. 3
Arlys Honorable. 3
Arlyss Like an eagle. 4
Artair Like an eagle. 4
Arth Like an eagle. 2
Arthw Honorable. 7
Arwyroe Remove. 6
Ashley Dwells at the ash t... 7
Aston Eastern settlement 6
Astyrian Horrible. 8
Athelstan Hateful. 1
Atol Venom. 3
Ator Venom. 9
Attor Entice. 2
Atyhtan From the old meadow. 8
Audley Born in April. 5
Audrey Noble strength. 2
Averil Born in April. 4
Averill Rules the elves. 7
Avery Cursed. 8
Awiergan Baker. 6
Baldlice Slayer. 3
Banan One who reads the b... 5
Banning Boar. 7
Bar From the birch meadow. 3
Barclay Bold friend. 8
Barney Son of comfort 2
Barrett Commerce 3
Barton From the barley settlement 7

Perfect 614 Anglo New Born Baby Boy and Girl Names with Meaning

Perfect 614 Anglo New Born Baby Boy and Girl Names with Meaning