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376 Bhutani Baby Names

If you are in search of a perfect Bhutani Baby Name for your new born, you are in the best site ever for Bhutani Baby Names. NamesFolder has compiled a list of modern Bhutani Baby Names only for you. Our Team is working passionately to fulfill your needs. Choose the best name for your little one from the following list of most popular names. Happy Browsing.

Please click on alphabet to view the names alphabetically
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R T U V W X Y Z
Please click on alphabet to view the names alphabetically
Name Meaning Numerology
Ashwaghosh Name of Buddhist philosopher 1
Baika Plum Blossom 6
Bankei Ten Thousand Blessings 6
Bankei Ten Thousand Blessings 6
Banko Everlasting 7
Banzan Indestructible Mountain 4
Banzan Indestructible Mountain 4
Banzan Indestructible Mountain 4
Bao To Order, To Bid 9
Basho Banana Plant 9
Basho Banana Plant 9
Bassui High Above Average 8
Bassui High Above Average 8
Bassui High Above Average 8
Bassui High Above Average 8
Bensen Be Diligent 5
Bensen Be Diligent 5
Bhadrapala Protector of Goodness 1
Boddhidharma A person who is a follower of Buddhism 6
Bodhidharma All-Pervading Enlightened Mind, Enlightenment Teaching 2
Bodhidharma One who has an all-pervading awakened and enlighted mind 2
Bodhidharma One who has an all-pervading awakened and enlighted mind 2
Bolin An elder brother of the rain 7
Brahmadhvaja One who is the warrior of God 8
Bu He who is a leader 5
Buddha Awakened, Lord Buddha 4
Buddha Awakened; Lord Buddha 4
Buddhamitra Friend of Buddha 2
Buddhamitra Friend of Buddha 2
Buddhamitra One who is Buddha's firend 2
Buddhamitra One who is Buddha's firend 2
Buddhanandi One who Enjoys Knowledge 1
Budh One who is enlighted 8
Budh One who is enlighted 8
Budhh He who has been enlighted 7
Budhh He who has been enlighted 7
Budi To have reason, mind or a character 9
Bupposo Buddha Dharma Sangha 5
Bupposo Buddha-Dharma-Sangha 5
Bupposo A name that means: Buddha-Dharma-Sangha 5
Butsugen Buddha Eye 1
Butsugen Buddha Eye 1
Butsugen An eye of a Buddha 1
Butsugen An eye of a Buddha 1
Butsuju Buddha Life 6
Butsuju Buddha-Life; Buddha-Age 6
Butsuju The age and life of Buddha 6
Butsuju The age and life of Buddha 6
Buu A person who is a chief 8
Cahya One who is the light in darkness 2
Cahya One who is the light in darkness 2
Caihong A rainbow in the sky 3
Cais A person who rejoices 5
Cais A person who rejoices 5
Candavira A male name, mainly given to those who are Buddhists 1
Candavira A male name, mainly given to those who are Buddhists 1
Candrasurya A moon-like man 8
Canh The endlessness of the environment 8
Cao A Chinesee surname 1
Chiko Light of Wisdom 1
Chimon Wisdom Gate 8
Chimon Wisdom Gate 8
Chinshu Calm Place, Calm Prefecture 1
Chinshu Calm Prefecture; Calm Place 1
Chinshu A calm, soothing place 1
Chorei Transparent Spirituality 4
Chorei Transparent Spirituality 4
Chorei Transparent spirituality 4
Chosui Purifying Water 3
Chosui Purifying Water 3
Chosui Water that is pure and fit for drinking purpose 3
Chozen Meditation Practice, Transparent 8
Chozen Clear/Transparent Meditation Practice 8
Chozen Clear, transparent meditation practice 8
Chugai Transcending Universe 4
Chugai Transcending Universe 4
Chugai Transcending Universe; to exist above and independent 4
Chuong Chapter; a part of a whole story 5
Cudabhiksuni A buddhist goddess, Best among the ascetics 5
Da Shin Peaceful Heart 1
Daeshim Great Mind 5
Daibai Big Plum 8
Daibai Big Plum 8
Daibai A Plum 8
Daibai A Plum 8
Daiden Great Transmission 1
Daiden A transmission 1
Daiden A transmission 1
Daido Great Way 6
Daido The greatest way possible 6
Daiji Great Compassion 6
Daiji Great Compassion 6
Daiji Filled with love and compassion 6
Daiji Filled with love and compassion 6
Daikaku Great Enlightenment 4
Daikaku Great Enlightenment 4

Perfect 376 Bhutani New Born Baby Boy and Girl Names with Meaning

Perfect 376 Bhutani New Born Baby Boy and Girl Names with Meaning