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Abbey Name Meaning, About Montserrat Girl Name Abbey

Is your name Abbey? View the Meaning, Numerology & Details of Montserrat Girl Name Abbey


Name Abbey
Meaning My Father Rejoices, High-born
Gender Girl
Numerology 8

Abbey is American Girl name and meaning of this name is "My Father Rejoices, High-born".

Based on numerology value 8, Abbey is Practical, status loving, power-seeking, materialistic, fair, self-sufficient, loves controlling other, short tempered, stressful, cunning,Ambitious, Realistic, Powerful, Authoritative, Courageous and Leading.Below is some points about the name Abbey based on numerology value -

Qualities Leader, Visionary
Lucky Color Black, Purple
Ruling Planet Saturn
Lucky Number 8

Each Letter Analysis of Name "Abbey "

in every name, each letters have specific meanings that describe the nature of the name.Below in table, each letter of name Abbey described.

Letters Description
A You are your own person, natural leader, ambitious and freethinking.
B You are sensitive and a bit of an are very loyal and you keep an open mind and think for yourself more often.
B You are sensitive and a bit of an are very loyal and you keep an open mind and think for yourself more often.
E You are freedom-loving, sensual and enthusiastic. You believe strongly in falling in love ... in fact, you may do it quite often. You can see a situation from many different sides.
Y You are freedom-loving and like to break rules and push the envelope. Your ambition and courage make you naturally independent, even though you come across as reserved. You are stylish.

Numerology Calculation Method of Name "Abbey "

Alphabet Subtotal of Alphabet Position.
(ex: U = 21 = 2+1 = 3 )
A 1
B 2
B 2
E 5
Y 7
Total 17
SubTotal of 17 8
Calculated Numerology8

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